Tuesday, 23 April 2019


Abnormal Behavior, decreased ability in understanding reality, false beliefs and Confusions all as a result of #Schizophrenia- a mental disorder that can affect anyone.

Causes, sign and symptoms of schizophrenia is unique for each person.

While there is no permanent cure there is way to recover which involves reducing in the impact of the problems.

Symptoms of this #MentalDisorder has been categorized into:

- Positive Symptoms ( Hallucinations and Delusions)
- Negative ( Lack of Interest & Emotional Flatness)
- Cognitive Symptoms ( Lack of Memory and Organizing thoughts)

The key cause of this disorder has not found,yet researchers have been trying to rectify and recover persons for them to lead a peaceful life.

To know more about recent trends and ongoing researches meet up in the gathering of #Psychiatrists and # Psychologists at " Psychiatry 2019" going to held at Rome, Italy this June 17-18, 2019.

Visit us @ http://bit.ly/2OyIhyM

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Psycho- Social Rehabilitation

Psycho- Social Rehabilitation (PSR) or Psychiatric_Rehabilitation promotes personal recovery and helps people suffering from #MentalDisorders to improve their social activity.

It is a step by step process in assisting people to discover and recover meaningful roles in their life.

PSR is complex and ambitious because it encompasses many different sectors and levels, from mental hospitals to homes and work settings

To know more #PSR meet experts in #Psychiatry and #MentalHealth at " 2nd Global Experts Meeting on Psychiatry and Mental Health" scheduled on June 17-18, 2019 at Rome, Italy

Visit us @ http://bit.ly/2OyIhyM

#PsychiatryConferences #MentalHealthConferences #Stress #Psychosis #Depression

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Psychiatry & Addictions

One of the sub-specialty in #Psychiatry that involves the #evaluation #diagnosis and #treatment of people who are suffered from one or more disorders related to addiction is known as #AddictionPsychiatry

It is Categorized as

- Behavioral Addictions( A person engages in Particular activity repeatedly even though it cause                                                 harm to themselves includes gambling, shopping addiction and                                                               #Kleptomania) and Many More

To know more about Addiction Psychiatry and recent Researches on it, meet us @ Psychiatry 2019 scheduled on June 17-18, 2019 at Rome, Italy

Visit us @ http://bit.ly/2OyIhyM

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Keynote Speaker

Don't miss the #Keynote talk on " Problematic Internet Use in psychiatric patients: a complex evolution of specific diseases symptom profile? by Prof. Giuseppe Bersani 

Share your research ideas and Join with us on " Psychiatry 2019" going to held at Rome, Italy on June 17-18, 2019

To Know more visit us @ http://bit.ly/2OyIhyM

 For details mail us @ psychiatry@pulsusmeet.com

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Positive Psychology

#Scientific_approach for studying #human_thoughts, #feelings & #Behavior and it focuses on

  • strength rather than weakness
  • changing of life in a good way instead of Repairing bad
Positive Psychology operates on three different levels which includes 
- the #subjective level
- the #individual level
- the #group level

Martin Seligman stated that #psychology had three tasks to #cure_mental_illness, improve natural life and to nurture their high talent.

To know more about #psychology and various therapies carried out in treating a patient with mental disorder, meet us at  the gathering of #psychiatrists, #psychologists and #mental_health professionals on " 2nd Global Experts Meeting on Psychiatry and Mental Health" which is going to held at Rome, Italy this June 17-18, 2019.

Visit us @ http://bit.ly/2OyIhyM